📸 Yearbook Photo Submissions 📚

Share your memories with our online learning community!


All yearbook photos must be submitted by February 1st, 2026


📷 Student Portrait Guidelines

Submit only ONE student portrait per year

Clear, front-facing photo with good lighting

Plain or simple background

Recent photo (taken within the last 6 months)

No filters, special effects, or heavy editing

Head and shoulders only (no full-body shots)

What Makes a Good Portrait?

Portrait (3:4 ratio)

Solid neutral background

Looking directly at camera

Good, even lighting

Example Portrait Photos

These examples show the proper framing, lighting, and background for yearbook portraits.

Student Portrait Example

Good framing, neutral background

Student Portrait Example

Good lighting, proper composition

Student Portrait Example

Natural expression, good distance

Student Portrait Example

Clean background, great lighting

Student Portrait Example

Excellent lighting, natural smile

Student Portrait Example

Proper framing, good eye contact

Accepted File Types & Requirements

Image Formats
  • JPEG (.jpg, .jpeg)
  • PNG (.png)
  • HEIC (.heic)
Technical Requirements
  • Size: 1MB – 10MB
  • Resolution: Minimum 1920×1080
  • For portraits: 3:4 aspect ratio preferred

Submit Your Photos

Please complete all required fields below

Desktop Required for Submission

To ensure proper upload and processing of your photos, please use a laptop or desktop computer when submitting. Our system is optimized for desktop browsers to maintain image quality.

You must be logged in to submit photos.

Àbulę logo
(noun, Yorùbá)
A village or community where people learn, grow, and support one another through shared knowledge and cultural exchange. In traditional Yorùbá society, the concept embodies the collective spirit of learning and mentorship within a communal setting. Àbulę represents a digital evolution of this wisdom, creating spaces where students and educators can connect, collaborate, and thrive together in their educational journey.
Etymology: From Yorùbá, echoing the traditional African philosophy of ubuntu—"I am because we are."

© Àbulę. All rights reserved.

Àbulę is a program of the Floating Freedom Foundation, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization.

EIN: 33-2610751