Student studying
All tuition assistance information remains strictly confidential

Empowering Students,
Supporting Families 💫

We believe every student deserves access to quality education. Our Tuition Assistance Program makes it possible by offering a 60% reduction in tuition costs.

Monthly Payment
Cost Reduction
Community Goal

Eligibility Requirements 📋

Income Requirement

The combined annual household income must be less than $65,000. While all families meeting this requirement are welcome to apply, priority will be given to the following family dynamics:

Single Parents

Priority for single-parent households

Adoptive Families

Including legal guardians

Rural Areas

Limited access to local co-ops

1st Year Homeschoolers

Families new to homeschooling

Academic Requirements 📚


Maintain Good Standing

  • Maintain a C average or higher
  • Stay enrolled in at least two classes
  • Regular attendance and participation
Tuition Assistance Applications Closed. Next application period opens June 1st for Fall Semester.
Àbulę logo
(noun, Yorùbá)
A village or community where people learn, grow, and support one another through shared knowledge and cultural exchange. In traditional Yorùbá society, the concept embodies the collective spirit of learning and mentorship within a communal setting. Àbulę represents a digital evolution of this wisdom, creating spaces where students and educators can connect, collaborate, and thrive together in their educational journey.
Etymology: From Yorùbá, echoing the traditional African philosophy of ubuntu—"I am because we are."

© Àbulę. All rights reserved.

Àbulę is a program of the Floating Freedom Foundation, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization.

EIN: 33-2610751