Foreign Film Night

Foreign Film Night is a virtual event where students come together to watch an international film and explore a story from a different part of the world. Each film provides a unique cultural perspective, inviting students to engage with themes like family, identity, resilience, and community.

The purpose of Foreign Film Night is to inspire cultural appreciation and broaden students’ understanding of global narratives. Through watching and discussing films from diverse backgrounds, students gain insight into various cultures, traditions, and worldviews, fostering empathy, curiosity, and global awareness. Following each screening, we hold a group discussion to reflect on the film’s themes, share thoughts, and ask questions, creating a deeper connection to the story and each other.

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(noun, Yorùbá)
A village or community where people learn, grow, and support one another through shared knowledge and cultural exchange. In traditional Yorùbá society, the concept embodies the collective spirit of learning and mentorship within a communal setting. Àbulę represents a digital evolution of this wisdom, creating spaces where students and educators can connect, collaborate, and thrive together in their educational journey.
Etymology: From Yorùbá, echoing the traditional African philosophy of ubuntu—"I am because we are."

© Àbulę. All rights reserved.

Àbulę is a program of the Floating Freedom Foundation, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization.

EIN: 33-2610751